I had a thyroid ultrasound done May 31(WA) as a follow up to a previous ultrasound(1/12/15, TX). Despite the nodule size decreasing, I was referred to an ENT specialist who scheduled me for a biopsy this coming Monday. (The ENT doctor said he could not trust the nodule decrease due to different machines and techs) I did not get to look at the results of my May ultrasound until tonight and don t understand the jargon. I have googled the words and understand their stand alone meaning, but not what they mean as a whole. If someone could interpret for me, I would be grateful. The right lobe measures 5.1 x 1.8 x 1.7 cm (length x width x AP dimension). A heterogeneous hypoechoic somewhat irregular nodule with a partially calcified rim is seen at the upper anterolateral aspect of the right lobe measuring 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. This is smaller than ultrasound from 1/12/2015 (previous dimensions reported as 1.7 x 1.2 x 1.9 cm). Despite the heterogeneous irregular appearance with calcifications, this is therefore most likely benign.