My name is Dr. Pedersen, I will be providing you with a bit of assistance today.
The information you provided is very detailed, and offers a lot of insight into your current menstrual-cycle dilema.
I would like to first suggest that you keep calm, and also keep a journal of your symptoms as time progresses, until you can attend the appointment you mentioned with your doctor. In the mean time, unless the cramping pain levels rise up on the scale to an 8 or 9 in which case you should seek ER medical attention immediately upon
severe pain levels in the 7-8-9 areas; I reccomend you lie down and relax, with a
heating pad if you have one available to you.
Plug the heating pad in, let it reach higher heat level, and place the pad under a soft blanket beneath you at an angle where you can relax with your lower-back resting on the hot-pad. Avoid drinking milk, as well as ingesting other dairy products. If you have a sweet tooth, indulge in a reeses peanut butter cup. Try to avoid soda, and other high-fructose corn-syrup derived drinks; including energy drinks. Sip some tea, or any variety of your favorite juices and also be sure to drink a lot of water.
I have a few questions.
1. On a scale from 1 - 10 how stressful is your day-to-day routine?
2. Do you play any sports, dance, or partake in any other athletic training?
3. Does it hurt when you urinate? (not burning, literal pain in the
kidney or bladder area during urination)
4. Do you have a monthly birth control that you use?
pregnancy theory is not legible for an explanation of your symptoms, because it takes 2 months exactly for the embrio to become detectable by pee-test.
It doesn't matter if you got the 2weed early-test or a regular test stick, the positive sign won't be showing up anytime soon.
Thank you for your inquiry!