• type II diabetes mellitus since having my son nine years ago.
• overweight
• smoke 10 cigarettes a day
• has become insulin dependent in the last 12 months.
On one evening, collapsed and taken to emergency department - was conscious, confused, sweaty and looks unwell. struggling to breathe and oxygen was administered by facemask.
PR: 110 bpm
BP: 100/70 mmHg
RR: 35 breaths/min, shallow
SpO2: unable to be determined
Temperature: 36.5 º C
The chest has widespread coarse crackles throughout both lung fields
In the past week, complaining of swelling in feet and weakness on ambulation.
laboratory tests done:
BGL: 10 mmol/l
CXR: increased whiteness in the lung fields & cardiac hypertrophy
ECG: sinus tachycardia
What could be the potential dianosis ?
Thank you