Hi, Doc, I ve lost 30 lbs in the last month, month and a half. Unintentionally. Loss of appetite, food unappealing, does t taste normal. Mid and lower back pain and slight, slight chest pain, affecting sleep. After I do eat a bit, seems to cause stomach and throat discomfort. Food almost seems to stop in throat, roughly mid chest. Probably not, but seems like that. 2 weeks ago had chest x-ray, normal. Gut CT scan, nothing at all. Blood tests all in midrange. EKG, normal. Lipids-choleserol-146. 54 years old, 5 -10 , never get sick. Never. 2 packs a day for 25+ years. Productive cough in morning, no blood. Again, chest X-ray, normal. No blood in stool, either. I m just not hungry, due to consequences of eating, and when I do eat, it s 25% of normal intake. I m perplexed, as are you. Not sure what to do next. Seeing internist beginning of March....if there s anything left of me by then. My ideal weight is probably 175, I ve been 185+ for years, now down to 156 lbs. Thanks for YYYY@YYYY