Hello and welcome to HCM,
The interpretation of
liver function tests is as follows:
The level of
total bilirubin, direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin all are raised.
The level of liver enzymes- ALT and AST are also raised.
The level of total proteins,
albumin and
globulin are also raised.
The level of alkaline phosphate and GGT are within normal range.
These results show that there is some disease process in the liver.
The disease process is damaging the hepatocytes.
There are various causes for destruction of hepatocytes.
Viral infections, drugs, toxins are some of the common causes.
The ductal system of the liver i.e. the ducts which are draining the bile from liver to
duodenum are normal.
There is no obstruction or abnormality in these ducts.
The functions of the liver is also maintained- normal protein level indicates that.
You need to consult your gastroenterologist to find the cause of deranged liver function tests.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal