hello. I have a cyst behind my left knee a year ago. It did not bother me. Just 2 weeks ago, I experienced some pain on the left knee, and at the same time I noticed another cyst like thing just above the first cyst. Mri done today, says the following:- In the popliteal fossa, a multiseptated cyst closely related to the midial gastrocnemius is noted extending inferiorly and laterally to the uppoer calf. Maximum diameter of this cyst is about 8cm x 1.7cm x 5cm. Superficial to part of this cyst, mild increased signal is seen in the subcutaneous tissue. The ACL, PCL, MCL and LCL all show normal signals and morphology. Quadriceps and patellar tendons as well as the patellar reticula are all intact. The lateral and medial menisci do not demonstrate any tears. A small suprapatellar knee effusion is noted. Osteophytic spurs seen in the superior and inferior poles of the patella. Conculsion: Solitary multiseptated cyst in the popliteal fossa and upper calf, consistent with Bakers cyst, possible with minimal leakage. What do you advise I do as a follow up? thank you very much