Hi, I am 43 old male, moderate drinker (4-10 drinks per week). Elevated level of GGT reposted 2 months ago during the annual physical exam: GGT:107U/L, ALT 44. All other tests in blood panel within normal range. Liver U/S done and liver is normal, no fatty tissue or any signs of cirrhosis. Retest 1 month later with 1 week abstinence prior the test shows moderate decrease in GGT: 97, ALT: 47. My doctor was not concerned about the results. I have decided to continue abstinence just in case. Test redone after 3 additional weeks with no alcohol consumption and the results are: GGT: 100, ALT: 60. The initial GGT spike could have been caused due to higher than my normal alcohol consumption over the holidays (