hi, i am 27 years of age, 5ft 11 and half, and weigh roughly 8 stone, i have been losing weight regardless of how much i eat, i have two young children. I have many medical concerns and investigations gooing on, including for marfan syndrome, i have an ectopic thyroid which is reading as normal, though limphnodes in neck were more than they should of been. I also have enlarged lungs, to where the doctor states it is very worrying. I have been on a six month cycle for my smears for two years now as my results kept coming back cin2, my most recent one came back as cin3, and the doctor said it was really bad. I have family history of every member of my family passing away with some form of cancer including cervical cancer, with my mum, who died when she was 32. I am really scared, is it as bad as people are telling me?