Hello and welcome to HCM,
The analysis of
semen analysis report is as follows:
The volume of semen should be atleast 2 ml, however in your case it is 1.3 ml only.
Thus less volume of semen is being produced.
The color, viscosity and liquefaction time of the semen is within normal limits.
The pH is slightly elevated.
Chemical examination shows presence of fructose which is a normal finding.
Sperm concentration of 22 million per ml is also within normal limits.
Atleast 20 million sperms should be present per ml.
Atleast 40 % sperms should have progressive motion.
In your case less than 40% sperms have progressive motion.
Atleast 50% sperms should have normal morphology, however, in your case majority of sperms have abnormal morphology.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal