I recently discovered what appeared to be a large abcsess or boil around my pubic bone, above my penis. I popped it, thinking it was a pimple, it produced puss then a little blood like a pimple would. it has since scabbed over and begun to heal although there is still a red 'bump' there. a few days later i had a itch after taking a shower in my groin region right on my scrotum near the base of the penis. it appeared that 2 pimple like, or wart like growths suddenly popped up. i regretfully picked at one and a small amount of fluid came out. neither produced any pain. i also noticed a very very small growth on the shaft of penis midway almost unnoticeable it is so small. It's been about 5 days and they haven't bothered me or itched uncontrollably, or blistered. The 2 little growths on the scrotal region do appear to have puss. I haven't had any other symptoms, and I haven't had sex in 15 months. It was unprotected. Prior to these little growths or lesions i've had no symptoms of anything anywhere on my body. could these be herpes, warts, or something else, like a skin disorder? Any help would be appreciated before I head to the Dr.