Hey I ve recently noticed a bump forming under my skin, it s about between the size of a larger sized BB pellet and just smaller than a smaller sized pea. It s round in shape from what I can feel. It doest hurt (unless I pinch it, I m which case still doesn t cause me any pain), it s not inchy, so it hasn t been irritable. From what I can tell it s white in colour, possibly a little bit off-white, definitly not yellow. It s located on my penis, so without an errection I can get a really good idea on what colour it is, but last time I had the chance it was white if anything. It s over an inch away from the head of my Penis (it s fair to say it s about I m the middle of the shaft). It s under the skin, but is attached to the skin under the surface, so it doesn t move, however it can slightly move a tiny bit but it doesn t move anywhere. It stays in the same spot. It worries me because of the area it is in. I ve only had one sexual partner for the last year and she hasn t had anything like this, so I m semi-confident that it isn t any type of STI or anything of the sort. I ve been researching what I can to find something simular to this online. And nothing really fits the description. I fairly confident it s not a cyst, or swallon lymph node or anything else I ve came across. It s been developing over the past week now, I believe it has reached its climax, as I don t belive it is growing anymore, well not anymore than I have noticed. It developed the most within 3 days, that s when I noticed the most growth. It settled down (but has not reduced in size) about 2 days ago now and seems to be at a stand still with where it is at. And there is only one of these bumps. Please help me with whatever advice you can possibly give me. I ll be greatful for any help you can provide me. As I am far away from any type of doctors. Any ideas of what this might be based upon the info I ve provided you with and if so, what are my best options for treating it? I just thought it be necessary to reach out for professional help before it s to late, being if this issue could potentially be dangerous. I m hoping it ll just go away, but I definitely haven t noticed any reduction in size, nor have I noticed any more growth after the last 2 days either. Like I mentioned, it s pretty much at a stand still with where it s at I believe