Thanks for the query..
As per your complain a red ball on the tongue may be just an APTHOUS ULCER and it can be due to poor
oral hygiene,
stress, Vitamin B and
iron deficiency..
As you have undergone wisdom tooth removal it may have happened due to trauma and in that case it will be called as Traumatic Ulcer but chances of traumatic ulcers are less after 8 days..
If you are still on antibiotics as a after treatment of extraction it can be a side effect of antibiotics too..
You can take
multivitamin and iron tablets for fulfilling the deficiency and can apply topical pain relieving agents like choline salicylate and topical lignocaine if it is painful too..
Warm salt water rinses can also be relieving..
Maintain a good oral hygiene..
Avoid very hot and spicy food as it can add up to your discomfort..
If it would be due to medicines it will go away after medicine is discontinued..
But if the ulcer does not go away even after a week or more you should consult a physician and get evaluated for other reasons like viral infection (
Hope you get well soon..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..