Hello, My husband and I have been Trying to conceive for 16 months. I have 3 previous pregnancies (1 blighted ovum, 1 healthy baby that was conceived with clomid and 1 missed abortion). I had been on Clomid for 2 months and took a "break" for the month of April and to my surprise had a positive pregnancy test on day 30. I normally have a 30-32 day cycle and with the Clomid, my cycles were 35 days apart. On day 30 of this cycle, my HCG level was 20. Day 32 it was 155 and on day 37 was 815. My doctor's seem concerned that my levels are not that high (however, they are doubling as they should). They did an US on day 38 of my cycle to make sure there wasn't an ectopic. There was nothing noteds in the tubes, but also no gestational sac noted. My endometrial stipe was thickened however.
...do I need to be concerned or is it possibly too early? They are concerned because my LNMP was 4-26-11 and based on this I should be 5 weeks 4 days today but does the fact that I have longer cycles come into play here. I know that the follicular phase is fixed and always around 14 days so in my opinion if my cycles are 30-35 days apart, could it just be too early? I do notwant to get my hopes up, but also do not want to worry over nothing. Your opinion is greatly appreciated!