I have gone through your question.
You actually have high fT4 and normal
TSH level.
This results are difficult to interprete because there is no negative feetback between the two hormones.(Normally when the fT4 is high,the TSH is low.)
At the other side you have some symptoms like
weight loss and chest tightness/heavinees that may be suggestive of
To clarify your actual situation and to find if you have any thyroid condition that cause your symptoms,my suggestion is to repeat the thyroid tests(TSH, fT4,fT3)in another lab.
If your doctors sad that your heart is OK,than it should be another cause that can explain your symptoms.
For this reason,it is necessary to investigate carefully and confirming the thyroid test results is the first think that i would do,if you were my patient.
Anyway,my advice is to contact your local
endocrinologist and discuss with him about your actual thyroid test results and if you need to do more test to explore your actual thyroid gland function.
Hope this information is helpful.
If you have other questions,feel free and ask.
Best regards.