Hello dear
Understand your concern.
Please compare your report with normal range.
Normal Your result
Fasting sugar: 74-106 mg/dl High (141)
HDL: 40-60 mg/dl Low (30)
T.bill: 0.2-1.5 mg/dl Normal (1.49)
Direct bill 0.0-0.4 mg/dl Normal (0.25)
Indirect Bill 0.0-1.3 mg/dl Normal (1.23)
SGOT 17-59 U/L Normal (57)
SGPT 21-72 U/L Normal (50)
Total protein 6.3-8.2 g/dl Normal (7.49)
So you have high fasting blood sugar.
It is suggestive of Diabets melitus.
Slight high TG may be due to
But you should confirm by
Again do test iafter 10-13 hours fasting blood sugar.
Also do post parandial blood sugar (2 hr after meal): if it is > 200 suggests diabetes
HB1ac: if > 6.5 suggestive of Diabets melitus
Start doing regular exercise in early morning for 45 minutes
Avoid excessive sugar in diet
Check for cardiac profile and blood pressor every 4-6 months
Take small frequent meal rather than large meal
Fix the time of meal help in regular secretion of
Hope this may help you.
Best regards
Dr. Sagar