My Cholesterol just jumped up significantly - I'm 43 and in otherwise great health, on no other meds. For the past 10 years or so, I have had fairly consistent results ranging between 190 and 210 (6 months ago), now it is 255! This comes win NO change in diet, and an increase in exercise. Go figure!? LDL is also high at 170 and non-HDL-P (what is this?) is 189. So I'm very concerned -- the doctor wants to put me on lovastatin (?) but he is out of the office for a few days and I want to discuss with him before taking the prescription. In the meantime, I am very concerned -- are these ridiculously "unsafe" levels? Can i wait?
I should also mention that my fasting was about 9 hours (I was told to fast 8 hours by the doc, so I had some wine and pretzels at midnight) -- my test was at 10am. Did this possibly affect the results? I hear 12 hours is the norm.