Hi, I M Dr.Kumarbhargav
Consultant Pathologist
I understood your problem,
Looking to your profile,
you have cystic lesion of 18 mm in
epiglottis at the base of tongue with prominent upper cervical
lymph nodes.
If you have frequent difficulty in swallowing and even chocking episodes, i think this should be evaluated and treated thoroughly.
Differential diagnosis may be
vallecular cyst, laryngocele, or any other cystic lesion, I would go for proper endoscopic evaluation and if favoring this cyst should be excised specially if causing symptoms.
Excised cyst must be evaluated histopathologically to exclude any other findings of neoplastic process especially with enlarged lymph nodes.
So i would suggest talk to your doctor and convey that you are having
swallowing difficulties with occasional chocking.
Thanks for contacting health care magic, Ask if you want more details.
Take care.