hello and welcome to HCM,
Before analysing your report it is important for you to ensure that how many swellings are you having in the neck.
Is there single, two or multiple swellings?
One of the reports suggests presence of granulomatous inflammation of lymph node and the other suggests presence of reactive
lymphadenitis of lymph node along with presence of
thyroglossal cyst.
Thyroglossal cyst is a cystic structure developing in the persistent tract between tongue and thyroid gland.
Granulomatous inflammation refers to chronic granulomatous infections like
tuberculosis, sarcoidosis,
fungal infection, foreign body inflammation, etc.
Tuberculosis is by the commonest infection in developing world.
A special stain called ZN stain is required for
tubercular infection.
The second report suggests reactive enlargement of lymph node which can be due to infection or inflammation in the area drained by the lymph nodes.
I advise you to get a ZN staining on your smears because it is important to rule out tuberculosis since in case disease is detected anti tubercular treatment has to be started.
In case the slides are not available you need to get a repeat FNAC and ZN staining on special request from your referring doctor.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal