i need help!!!I am a 43yr old, with 3 lovely teenagers. I started having some serious issues about 1 1/2 yrs ago. and was tested for everythning under the sun. I get my periods about every 9 days with the mood swings and the like. What makes it worse is that I get migraines with them, although they are controlled by verapamil. I have gained over 30lbs since March. tingling in hands and feet, feels like vibrations in my body sometimes. I have two rashes on either sided of my neck, my skin itches like hell, my hair is dry and brittle, I have more acne than I did as a kid. They have checked thyroid and diabetes normal. They did diagnose me with small fiber neuropathy, POTS, Migraines, estrogen dysfunction, and possible mitochondrial disorder. I feel like I am getting no where as we are waitin for more symptoms to pop up. The problem with my menses is troubling, because of the tremors/vibrations and sometimes a strange movement disorders occurrs, always around the time of my period. Hip pain, severe lower back pain...could it be endometriosis? What is causing all these issue? its hard to swallow sometimes, my balance is affected, mind isn't as sharp. I am in the military, and take pretty good care of myself. I want to stay in the military, but my weight, and issues are beginning to cause me concerns, i hope you can help...I've been given a variety of tests, and no diagnosis has been given, yet.