Greetings Dr, Can you answer for the below scan report... 1. single viable intra uterine pregnancy 2. fetal movements and carbiac activity rare seen and normal - H.R - 154/mt Rate and rhythm are normal 3. Fetal anonalies survey a. Fetal - Head shape and size are normal inter hemisphere fissure identified. Both thalamus normal. Ventricles not dilate. posterior fossa imaged normally. b. Fetal - Spine Fetal spine visualized normally. The bony parts and the spinal canal are normal. No evidence of spinal canal defect seen. c. Fetal - Face & Neck Fetal eyeballs, nose, lips are imaged normally. No demonstrable mass seen in the neck. d. Fetal - Thorax & Fetal Heart. Situs of the heart is normal. All four champers visualized normally. Out flow tracts are normal. Echo patern of both lungs normal. e. Fetal - Abdomen Stomech bubble visualized on the left side. No obvious dilated bowel loops seen. Both kidneys and bladder are identified and normal. f. Fetal - limbs Upper limbs on both forearm, visualized normally. Lower limbs - Fetal thys and legs are normally visualized. 4. plecenta is in planted along the fundal both anterior and posterior ball extending to the lower uterine segment about 2.5 cm from the cervical os showing GR I maturity sign. 5. amniotic fluid is adequate in quantity. 6. measurement of B.B.D., F.L., and F.A.C correspond to 21 to 22 weeks. Gestational age. B.B.D 5.1 cm = 21 weeks 3 days F.L 3.8 cm = 22 weeks 3 days F.A.C - 17.9cm = 22 weeks 5 days E.FW - 508 + /- 76gms 7. Umbilical artery doppler flow shows normal blood flow. 8. Both uterine artery doppler flows shows early diastolic notch. 9. servical os is not dilated. servical length is normal and measures 3.3 cm. 10. materanl kidneys are identified and normal. impression single viable intra uterine pregnance of 21 - 22 weeks gestational age. Low lying plensenta both uterine artery doppler flow shows early diastolic notch. suggested follow-up scan.