I am a 21 y/o man and I got this CBC results from a medical technologist that made me alarmed. I will just put in open and close parenthesis the normal values from my lab results. Hgb=166 g/l (Male 140-160g/l), Hct=0.50 (0.37-0.47), WBC=7.90 (5.0-10.0 x 10), Segmenters=0.34 (0.40-0.60), Lymphocytes-0.56 (0.20-0.40), Eosinophils=0.10 (0.01-0.03). Honestly, I have this allergic rhinitis but not yet consulted to doctor yet but i do sneeze several times in a row in the morning, and i did sleep late and I wasn t into drinking water that much. What does these results mean? Anyone could me because I need to get fit to get a job? Your reply will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.