Thank you for your query.
I'm sorry about your miscarriage last year. I understand your concern and will do my best to answer your query
Would you please clarify a few things for me?
1)how old are you?
2) are your cycles regular?
3)do you use ovulation kit, ovulation monitor or
basal body temperature monitoring to pinpoint your ovulation date? Do you ovulate in the same time every month?
4)do you have an infertility problems? Are you or your partner under treatment for the same?
5)any history of miscarriages in your family?
Menstruation, ovulation and pregnancy are all under the influence of hormones.
After ovulation, the
corpus luteum (what remains of the follicle after it has released the egg) secretes
progesterone to prepare the uterus for
implantation, should conception occur.(Luteal phase)
Once implantation occurs, the implanted embryo then signals the corpus luteum to continue progesterone secretion up until the 3rd month. The fully developed placenta then takes over.
If there is no conception, the corpus luteum degenerates after about 10-14days after ovulation.
Luteal phase deficiency (less than 10 days) can also result in failure to implant due to insufficient endometrial (uterine lining) development.
The implanted embryo also produces Hcg, which doubles every 2-3 days and is detected about 12 days after conception. It reaches a peak in about 11 weeks of pregnancy then reduces and levels off. Values vary widely. More important than individual values is the doubling of values every 3days.
Progesterone levels vary widely since it is secreted in pulses. To answer your question, it is possible for the pregnancy to survive once it has been confirmed by serial hcg reading which show doubling values and the presence.lf a heartbeat at around 6weeks (vaginally ultrasound) and 8weeks (abdominal ultrasound)
This mainly depends on the embryo. Natural selection will eliminate all fertilized eggs that are unhealthy genetically. This is common and does not relate to your fertility.
However, if you have Recurrent abortion after detecting a heartbeat, or repeated chemical pregnancies (lab results will be positive but no other evidence of pregnancy), you may need to be assessed for the causes.
I recommend a repeat HPT after 3days (if you don't get your period). If it is strongly positive, a repeat HCG to confirm. A visit to your
OBGYN is next who will make sure everything is alright, advise supplements and a scan for fetal heartbeat at 6-8 weeks.
If you have had your period, don't worry. It was too soon to confirm a pregnancy. I would advise you to see your doctor to ensure no infertility issues are present. Take your folic acid supplements. Maintain healthy body weight and lifestyle. It will happen for you. Next time wait until your period is late by at least 3days to check.
Hope this helps. Wish you good health.
Feel free to get back to us if you need any clarification.