Can you please help me with the below..i cant see my orthopedic surgeon till next week...Can you please let me know if you think this will require surgery? Below are the MRI results...thank you MRI RIGHT SHOULDER Indication. Right shoulder pain. Repetitive overhead action. Technique. Axial, sagittal and coronal PD fat-sat. Coronal T2 fat-sat. Axial and sagittal T1. Findings. There is normal alignment and bone marrow signal. There is a small glenohumeral joint effusion. There is an oblique partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon, measuring 9 mm in short axis x 5 mm long axis. The tear is predominantly linear interstitial in morphology, but demonstrates focal extension to the bursal surface fibres anterolaterally, and the articular surface fibres posteromedially in keeping with a full thickness partial tear pattern. There is focal loss of the conventional convex cuff margin laterally and a small overlying subacromial bursal effusion. There is no delamination or fibre retraction. There is no muscle atrophy or fatty infiltration. The rotator cuff tendons are otherwise intact. The long head biceps tendon is intact. There is PD hyperintense linear fluid signal undermining the anterior glenoid labrum from 2:00-4:00 position associated with minor surface irregularity suspicious for a small labral tear, with no SLAP component. The glenoid and humeral cartilage is preserved. The inferior glenohumeral ligament complex and posterior labrum are intact. There is a type I flat acromial undersurface with downsloping laterally, but preservation of the subacromial space, (8 mm). The acromioclavicular joint is unremarkable. Conclusion. 1. There is an interstitial partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon, with a full-thickness component and a small overlying subacromial bursal effusion. There is no retraction, and no rotator cuff muscle atrophy or fatty infiltration. 2. Small non-displaced anterior labral tear.