I need factual answers pleas.... Been battling disabilty back issues for 3 plus years, due to a bothched tripple neck fussion caddiver replacements .... I take 180mg morphine, n 60 mg oxycodone, to help in my pain which is 10+ with medicine. Was scheduled for 4 MRI s told would take, 4 hours, I am closto to machine, as in past Dr. gave me 4 mg Xanax to take hour prior.... I collasped 30 minutes later in my house, taken via ambulance to hospital and given 4 doses, my wife was told of narco, n finally woke up after 5 hours... I,m scared!!! I raise 4 kids, 2 grand and loving wife... Please comment, nothing but a thought I am not looking for anything but a comment, is 8mg allot???