Thanks for contacting with your health concern and I've two opinions regarding your symptoms:
1. As you are having chronic digestive issues thus take an opinion of Gastroenterologist or medicine specialist who might ask for an investigation like endoscopy, gastric analysis,
PS. As I haven't examined you directly, thus presently all the symptoms described attributes towards Acid reflux [GERD], thus promptly call your
primary care provider/doctor, till then
. Do not lie down immediately after food.
. Head high position at night (during sleep)
. Take small nonbulky meals
. Bland and soft diet, avoid chilies and sour or fatty food
. Stop irritant drugs (pain killers)
2. As the pain is on the right side, ask for
ultrasonography of HBR [hepatobiliary region] for
Amoebic liver abscess and
PS. pain could be a pleural pathology. [ask for chest X-ray to exclude pleuritis, pleural effusion]
3. Consult a chest specialist who will go for systemic examination and if any chest signs are present will ask for imaging scans of chest with Hb%, WBC, ESR and then will provide proper management [as they can ask more detailed questions on associated symptoms]