Hello dear,
Relax, you should not get worried and trust your doctor. I will try to help you out of your concern.
The mastoid bone is like a honey comb and the space in between is filled with air. on recurrent inflammation of the mastoid, the space gradually gets obliterated with new bone, which on radiology ( X-ray/
CT scan) appeared white and medically termed sclerotic.
Every sclerotic mastoid is not a situation for concern. But yes, when ever infection of the middle ear happens, it adds to the slerosis. If your mother is having pain, it is not due to
sclerosis, but due to infection. So you should visit your doctor every time when she suffers from ear problem so as to avoid complications. More is the sclerosis, the more is the likelihood of getting a complication out of a usual ear condition.Sclerosis is concerned during operation of mastoid as it increases the difficulty.
I hope I could solve your query. Please do not hesitate to clarify more doubts for the same situation.
Thank you for the way you are in my life.
Dr Ipsit Panda