Thanks for writing to us
semen analysis report suggests infection with decreased
sperm motility.
Infection is indicated by the presence of pus cells in semen. Normally there shouldn't be any pus cells in semen.
Infection may be due to
prostatitis,UTI etc.
You need antibiotics for infection.
You need few more investigations like routine hemogram,RBS,Ultrasound of pelvis should be done.Trans rectal
sonography of prostate can be done if needed.
Proper antibiotics should be prescribed depending upon sensitivity report.
You also have low sperm motility.Sperm motility should be at least 55 %.
Fertility will definitely improve with control of infection.
You should do exercise and take nutritious food.
You should avoid tight underpants.
Avoid cigarettes and alcohol if you take these things.
If low sperm motility persists then you may need assisted fertilization techniques like IUI.
Other factors like
sperm count and morphology are normal.
Get well soon.
Take Care
Dr.Indu Bhushan