Hello Dr. Rynne. Before I found my amazing cure, I started having a new red bump pop up everyday. I even had a little rash here and there. I had researched and researched and attempted to take action myself. I live an extreamly healthy lifestyle, I do all the right things, and somehow was still getting acne. Finally, I went to the dermatologists and they perscribed me Desonide. This was a miracle. I have been using it for 5 months now and was just informed that I should not be using it for that long. So, I have stopped. The second I stopped, exactly what was previosly happening to me before, started to happen again. What do I do? Is there an alternative to desonide? Maybe a cream that will not harm my skin in the future? This has completely broken my heart because I thought I finally found something that made it all disappear.