Hello and welcome to HCM,
The interpretation of
semen analysis is as follows:
The physical characteristics of semen i.e. volume of 3 ml, alkaline pH and liquefaction time of 30 minutes is within normal limits.
Atleast 40% sperms should have progressive motility.
The test report shows 40 % sperms have motile which is within normal limits.
The sperm counts shouls be atleast 20 million per cubic millimeter.
The sperm count is within normal limits in your test report.
Atleast 50% sperms should have normal morphology.
The test report shows that 40% sperms have normal morphology.
Presence of pus cells suggests presence of infection either in the
urinary tract or in the reproductive tract.
Presence of red cells ans
epithelial cells can accompany infection.
Absence of trichomonas rules out infection due to trichomonas which is a
protozoal infection.
Absence of agglutination test rules out presence of
antibodies in the semen.
On the basis of semen analysis, infection is suggested and thus antibiotic therapy is suggested.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal