Hello and welcome to HCM,
The interpretation of the
semen analysis report is as follows:
1. The semen volume should be atleast 2 ml per ejaculate. In your report the semen volume is only 1 ml.
2. The color and pH of semen is within normal limits.
3. The sperm counts of 35 million per ml is within normal limits. Normal sperm count is atleast 20 million per ml.
4. Atleast 50% sperms should have rapid, linear progressive motion. In your report only 5% sperms have rapid linear progressive motion. Thus, motility is sub-normal.
5. Atleast 50% sperms should have normal morphology without any structural defects. In your report, only 5% sperms have normal morphology.
Thus, to summarize the volume of semen is less, motility is low and morphology is abso subnormal.
You need to repeat the smeen analysis after three days of abstinence.
The semen analysis report is reported after three consecutive sample examination.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal