My Husband's Semen Analysis report:Volume:2ml, Viscocity-Normal, Reaction:AlkalineLiq time:30 Mins, Total Sperm Count:95 Million/ml(method:Manual Counting by Neubauer chanber)Motility-Progressive:90%, Nonprogressive:5%, Dead:5%Morphology:Normal:87%, Double headed:3%, Large Headed:5%, Curled tails:5%Pus Cells :2-3 /hpf
RBCs: 2-3 /hpf
Epithelial Cells:OccasionalPlease let me know whether this report is normal?We are trying for a baby for past 4 months.Please let me know whether my husband is fertile?Please tell me Pus Cells and RBCs is a matter of worry?