Hi, sir or ma am. I ve just now gone thru WebMD for insight on the following: Yesterday and the day before, I experienced something I had not gone thru before. Two days ago, I was walking at a casual pace in a small department store, not carrying anything, and I suddenly notice the lateral and anterior aspect of my right thigh was numb. No pain with it. It did not last long and went away when I sat in our car. Yesterday, I was walking around an outdoor arts show. Hadn t been walking for more than 20 minutes when the same sensation came back in the same place. Again, it didn t last long. I have two herniated disks, L5 and S1, and I have had intermittent back pain over the year. The website gave a # of possible causes. Given my history, I m thinking spinal stenosis, but I wonder if I should visit my primary care doc to discuss this matter. Thanks very much. My name is Jim; I m 66 yo and substantially overweight.