I've just got my lab analysis, and I'm very worried about them. These weren't regular: Cholesterol: 5,44 (<5,2 mmol/l) VLDL.chol. 0,55 (<0,55 mmol/l) LDL.chol. 3,65 (<3,50 mmol/l) IA. (index atherosclerosis) 2,94 (<3,00) RF. (risk factor) 4,38 (<4,03) S-Na+ 118 (137-145 mmol/l) S-K+ (3,3-5,0 mmol/l) RDQ 11,4% (11,5-14,4) ALT biomerieux 42.9 U/L (<33 U/L) G-GT LIQUICOLOR 48,8 U/L (<31 U/L) I would like to ask you to help me with understanding my blood test. Thank you in advance!