Hi, I M Dr.Kumarbhargav
Consultant Pathologist
I understood your health concern,
As baby is having Microcytic Hypochromic red blood cells with
anisocytosis and poikolocytosis,
It may be due to
iron deficiency.
Now you have not provided other parameters like
RBC count,
And with this microcytic hypochromic picture it is neccessory to exclude possibility of
hemoglobinopathy like thallesemia minor or other.
Though it may be most likely to be due to iron deficiency but if i would have been the treating clinician i would have excluded hemoglobinopathies
important clues like target cells and typical picture on peripheral smear which is sometimes masked by concurrent iron deficiency.
previously Hb electrophoresis/HPLC was done only after 1 year.
but with latest method it can done earlier which is hallmark test to exclude hemoglobinopathies.
Consult your clinician
Ask if you want more details.
Thanks for contacting health care magic,
Take care.