Thanks for the query.
I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns.
All the parameters suggestive of
viral hepatitis. You don't need to worry much as it is a highly curable with conservative management.
At initial stages your
bilirubin and SGPT/SGOT levels increases for few days,it will revert to normal in a time period of ten days.
I suggest you to consult a general practitioner and get the following things done:-
(1)- Get a HbsAg antigen test to confirm the diagnosis.
(2)- Drink plenty of water and oral fluids,this is the most important thing in the treatment of viral hepatitis.
(3)- Do not use painkillers like
acetaminophen it will cause more harm to your
(4)- Frequent monitoring of your liver enzymes and bilirubin to assess the prognosis.
(5)- Adequate
bed rest for two weeks is advised.
Most cases improve with this conservative management and chances for complication is less.
Wishing you good health.
Dr.Shinas Hussain