Hello and welcome to HCM,
The interpretation of the
semen analysis report is as follows:
The physical attributes- volume, color,viscosity and liquefation time are all within normal range.
sperm count is 50 million per ml.
The minimum sperm count should be atleast 20 million per ml, thus, your report is within normal range.
The motility of the sperms shows that 60% sperms are motile out of which 40% are actively motile.
A minimum of 40$ sperms should be motile and atleast 32% should have progressive forward fast motion.
Thus, the motility is within normal range.
No comment is made about the morphology of sperms.
Presence of pus cells suggests presence of infection in the urinary or reproductive tract.
Treatment of infection is required and the semen analysis has to be repeated after treatment of infection for final interpretation.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal