Hello Sudhendra,
Welcome to Healthcare Magic forum.
Your reports are not suggestive of being positive for
typhoid as the titres are lower than the positive range.However this test is not a confirmatory test and you should consult your doctor if symptoms persist for a confirmation by
blood culture test.If you have no symptoms at present then you need not worry and your test can be considered as being as good as negative.
Widal test is an agglutination test for the detection of agglutinins (
antibodies) for H and O antigen for
salmonella in patients with enteric feveror typhoid.Commercial kits also include antigens for paratyphoid A & B like in your report.
The Widal test is positive if TO antigen titer is more than 1:160 in an active infection, or if TH antigen titer is more than 1:160 in past infection or in immunized persons. A single Widal test is of little clinical relevance due to the number of cross reacting infections, including
malaria. If no other tests (either bacteriologic culture or more specific serology) are available, a fourfold increase in the titer (e.g., from 1:40 to 1:160) in the course of the infection, or a conversion from an IgM reaction to an
IgG reaction of at least the same titer, would be consistent with a typhoid infection.
Hope I have answered your query.