Hi, Im 27 years old single and does not engage into sexual intercourse. My problem started when I was 21 y/o, I only menstruate every 6mos. Back then I was around 77-80 kg. My height is 165cm btw. I never went to a doctor but I know its not normal. Then my ccke changed october last year, it went from interval of 6 months to 2mos. I have spotting in between. On dec 2016, I had the heaviest period in my entire life which lasted for less than a month. This year, my mentrual cycle is much more worst than before. I dont know the interval and i still had spottings. This month, i experienced breast engorgement thats why i knew my period is coming. But, before my period came i did experienced continuous spotting . Now my period is not that heavy but, prolonged. Then I noticed a meat like discharged yesterday with blood, it wasnt soft, it was like literally a meat. It was hard as that. I ve been reaearching about it, and I was scared of what I learned. I am in a lot of stress because I think i have cancer. Cervical, ovarian or endometrial cancer. Pls can you give light to me if my hunch is correct. I will visit the doctor as soon as I am able. Thank you