Dear patient.
Greetings from health care magic!!! I am Dr Thakker and shall be answering your question.
I can understand your concerns about the acute onset deafness and tinnitus. I will try my best to answer your question and guide you through it.
You have acute onset left ear
hearing loss and tinnitus. We need to consider the following causes:
1) Meniere's disease: this is usually accompanied by vertigo. Treated with
betahistine and then surgery.
2) CVA: a stroke involving the firbres of the ear
sensory system can cause this. (rare cause)
3) Acoustic neuroma: This is a tumor of the 8th nerve which leads to unilateral deafness and tinnitus.
4) Traumatic: trauma to the hearing apparatus of the
inner ear can cause loss of hearing and tinnitus.
We need to know a more detailed history of your symptom, associated fever or trauma. We can do a MRI brain with CT of the
temporal bone to know the exact pathology. Auditory tests will help us quantify the amount of deafness.
I hope this helps you out. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to write back to me.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Thakker.