Hi, I will answer your first question which is about RNP. RNP is ribonucleoprotein. Antibodies against RNP are suggestive of a disease called Mixed
connective tissue disease. To put it simply this is a group of diseases where the normal immune system of the body which in health protects us, now starts to attack us . This is called immune mediated disease . There are Five major diffuse connective tissue diseases : systemic
lupus erythematosus (SLE); scleroderma (Scl); polymyositis (PM);
dermatomyositis (DM); and
rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A sixth disorder, Sjögren’s syndrome. Mixed connective tissue disease has a combination of the above. Regarding your leukopenia, this means that your
white blood cell count is low. This is also a feature of the above immune mediated disorders. You may get a
complete blood count and peripheral smear done along with blood sugar, urea and creatinine,Liver function tests. It is important to follow up the status of your kidneys as Lupus is known to affect kidneys also. Regular follow up is essential with an immunologist. There are several methods of treatment based on the severity of the disease process. Treatment includes short courses of oral corticosteroids. severe disease requires immunosuppressive drugs such as azathioprine . Therefore my advice is to get a review with an immunologist or
rheumatologist with the tests that you have done. I presume that you done many tests already. Mixed connective tissue disease involves different types of immunological diseases such as polymyositis, lupus, etc . It is called an overlap connective tissue disease. What is important that you must get a regular follow up and medication according to the severity of your disease. There are several new drugs available and these diseases are manageable.. It is important to keep a positive outlook as this improves your overall sense of well being and your ability to cope and manage life effectively. Best regards.