Hello Dr. My problem is in my head, I have constant ear-ringing in both ears, mostly in right ear. Some pressure, some times a lot , other times not so much, but always there. A lot of turmoil going on in head, sounds like a truck driving thru head, once in a while, a loud truck! Never any headaches though. I m 73 yrs old, I ve been to see 2 Neologists and a Ent Dr. I have had 2 MRI s, everything ok there. ENT dr. Says I may need hearing aids, but I hear very well. One Neurologist prescribed Celexa, tried one, 10 mg. made me worse, I didn t take another one. Then he gave me Imipramine to try, I took a 25 mg. tablet, wasn t to good, I tried another one the next day, It made me feel like I was in a trance, I couldn t eat and was very sleepy, lasted 3 days, didn t help at all, made me feel worse. It took a few days to get back to normal, which isn t very good. I ve had this problem for about 2 years, on and off a first, then over time, I m always bothered by this problem, some times gets really bad inside my head, I don t know where to go now, the Bible says to seek and ye shall find, I m still looking, but I need more help, maybe you could help or tell me what kind of Dr. I can go to? I ll try anything Dr. Thank you for your time, maybe God willing some one can help me. PS I also have Neuropathy , Osteoporosis, Liver Cirrhosis, sleep apnea and a bad case of insomnia. I never drink alcohol or never have drank, don t smoke, never have. No drugs of any kind.