For the past ten years I have been taking blood pressure medication. I take edarbyclor, amlodopine, and bystolic. For a while I was suffering from afib which was corrected by ablation, but I still take propaphenone as a a preventative. Overall, things have been going pretty well. I feel fine and have had no disturbing symptoms. However, my resting pulse rate is quite low. It settles to about 48 bpms. I am 68 years old and work out almost every day. I do at least one hour of fairly intense cardio and about a half hour of weight lifting. During the cardio workout it s an effort to get my pulse above 120, and that only occurs at brief peak intervals along the way. I sometimes see an acupuncturist who has been helpful with insomnia. She is alarmed by how low my pulse is and feels I should cut back on my exercise program, because it is too stressful to my heart.I have had no similar feedback from my internist, but I would like to hear other opinions. Again, I have had no adverse symptoms resulting from excercise. The one exception might be that often after a workout my blood pressure goes very low, sometimes low 90s over high 50s. This usually creeps back into a more normal range after a few hours. I do not want to give up the exercise program I have been on unless it is truly dangerous. What do you think?