Hello thanx for using hcm,
Triglycerides goes up mainly by alcohol consumption and
carbohydrate and fat rich diet.
Try to consume low fat, low carbohydrate diet.
Carbohydrates sources are all cereals, fruits, juices, cakes, sweetened drinks,reduce portion of cereal and avoid all juices , sweets, carbonated drinks.
Avoid saturated and
trans fat sources like ghee, butter, cream,red meat ,egg yolk , full fat dairy products, fried foods , reusing cooked oil .
Try to control with diet and exercise if does not work than you can start medicine.
omega supplements are helpful in reducing triglycerides.certain Mufa rich sources like fish , olive oil, almonds, walnuts, canola oil are beneficial.
you can just consult any good physician near by youstay , dont need to see a cardiologist.