Wow, so many issues here. First, the term "towel head" is not going to get you quality service, even when most of the doctors are NOT from India/Middle East. And this can easily get you banned from the site.
Second, use of narcotics NOT under a doctor's supervision is just asking for a wide variety of problems. Narcotics interact, often badly, with other drugs and using them without supervision will set up for bad interactions. This includes alcohol and over the counter medicines. Narcotics are addictive. The addiction process is complicated and involves changes in perception of the world that causes self-justification of use.
Then, the question. 7.5 has 7.5 mg of a narcotic and 10 has 10 mg. The difference is 2.5.
ONE of the small one is generally effective for pain and takes up to an hour to being working and lasts typically 4 to 6 hrs til it wears off. Taking more of them uses them up faster and then you run out and have to get more. The street price is generally about 10 times higher than the full prescription price not counting insurance so, even 30 at over 100 dollars street would not only be far less safe than seeing a doctor, it would be more expensive. An emergency clinic typically runs 200 dollars pessimistic and 100 dollars average, and can include discount on the medication cost.
"Two of each", 4 total pills, is 30 mg--the highest FDA approved dose of narcotics, and far higher than what is ever prescribed for plain
fractures. Futhermore over the counter naproxen--non-narcotic and very cheap is quite effective for this pain. Also, splinting, ice, other positioning features are helpful on pain and healing and are not even drugs. And correct positioning of a fracture is required for it to heal properly and NOT have permanent disfiguring and disfunctioning.