I am 22 years old. I am not on birth control. I had protected sex with a condom last night, but it slipped off at the end. I am 90% sure it worked as it should have, but still have a slight concern that it didn't. 8 hours after sex, I took one .75mg dose of Postinor. I had conflicting information from the package and the pharmacist about weather to take both pills at once or to space them 12 hours apart as directed on the package. I ended up taking the second pill 5 hours after the first, so both were taken within 13 hours of sex. Is that alright? I am in Thailand so it's difficult to communicate questions in detail. Also, I always use condoms but IF I were to have sex again within 24 hours of taking the Postinor and IF there were to be another condom complication, would the drugs still be effective or would I require another dose?