Thanks for posting the query.
I understand your concern.
You have provided with good information but I would like to know few more things as this would help me in suggesting you better. As I believe the more information a person gives the better is the doctor reply and thus improve satisfaction levels. Hence please answer the following…
1. How long you have have been suffering?
2. Do you have fever associated with it?
3. A brief history about the disease. How it started and how did it progress?
From the description, I feel that these symptoms could be associated with
viral fever.
I would suggest you to maintain healthy diet, good hydration and proper rest. You can take Tab.
Crocin for fever if you have any fever after food.
Consult your physician for physical examination and blood tests like
complete blood count, etc. That will give you the exact diagnosis.
I hope I have answered your query.
Wish you good health.
Dr. Jyoti Patil.