Hi There!
Shaky Hands
To answer your priority question, I would hypothesize that your shaky hands are a result of the Dukan diet, a low fat, high protein diet absent in required food groups and nutrients. This type of diet causes
rapid weight loss,
dehydration and a possible
electrolyte imbalance. I feel you might be experiencing the side effects of the diet which should, if used, be used for only a short while.
Try eating one apple per day and taking a calcium/vitamin D supplement along with 400 mg/day of
magnesium (not oxide, citrate or carbonate ok) if it is ok with your doctor who has your labs and I don't. Chewable calcium/D tablets are available. Use those in preferance of a huge pill due to your swallowing problem. Magnesium can be obtained in all forms but not chewable. I buy the caps that can be pulled apart and mixed with food like yogurt or stirred into a beverage.
Measure out exactly 8 0z of pure water and drink throughout the day a total of 8 of those 8 oz. glasses of water.If your urine is dark yellow, drink more fluid.
When did your symptoms of dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) begin? What is your emotional state? Not to pry, but this can be an emotional or neurological situation just as may your shaky hands. If you have been holding things in, that causes psychological dysphagia. But, taken with your shaky hands your doctor may want to question other etiologies if my suggestions don't work in 2-4 weeks. Please assure me you will take precaution to know what to do and others around you know how to help you should you ever choke.
You have an interesting,yet troublesome set of symptoms. Please let me know how things turn out. Put my name on the free query and it should get to me. I would be interested in following your case.
Kathryn J. Shattler, MS,RDN