I had brain surgery for Epilepsy in 2005. They removed a section of the right temporal lobe, the hippocampus, and amygdala. I've been on anti-depressant's and anti-anxiety meds since. After many anti-depressants did not help, I was put on Amitriptyline. I take Diazepam for anxiety. With my depression, I had severe insomnia. My Psychiatrist slowly increased Amitriptyline dose and tried adding several meds with it to help sleep and depression. I cannot take Ambien or Lunesta. She tried Trazidone, Ritalin, & when they didn't help, she raised my Amitriptyline all the way up to 200 mg. So I was at 200 mg Amitriptyline and 20 mg of Diazepam at night. I started having uncontrollable muscle spasms when I sat or tried to lay down. She added 3 mg Requip, & then had to up it to 6 mg at bedtime. After concerns over the high dose of Amitriptyline, she lowered it to 150 mg at night and added 10 mg of Celexa. About a week after being put on medicine, I started having problems. Raised BP, cold & shivering, etc. My Psych wouldn't return a call for 3 days in a row, so my pharmacist sent me to the ER where I was diagnosed with drug toxicity. The ER dr had me stop Celexa for 3 days, and then take it every other night until my neurologist could see me. I had to cancel first appt. with my neurologist because I was too sick to drive. I have lowered my Amitriptyline to 100 mg and take the 10 mg of Celexa everyday now, & 20 mg of Diazepam at night. I stopped the Requip. For several weeks I've had problems with dizziness & falling, especially if I bend over and stand up, or kneel down & stand up. It doesn't matter how slow I move. If I take the meds, I sleep anywhere from 3 to 5 hrs a night. skipped meds one night so I could try taking them in the day. I slept for 15 hours. Tried this a few times, same results. I had an incident over the summer, before Amitriptyline was raised so high and before Celexa and Requip, where I went to bed early one night, woke up 13 hours later, couldn't remember any of the 250 pages I read in a book I had already started, and felt off balance and sick. I went to ER, x-ray & CT scan were clean. I saw my neurologist, he did an MRI and EEG. Both were normal. After being put on Requip, I went back to him. The tremors that I only had on my right side were now on the left. My balance was off, which is wasn't after MRI and EEG. I do see my neurologist Wed., Feb. 5, 2014. What do I need to ask him to do? Sleep study? My pharmacist doesn't think it's the meds. My sleep is completely off. I am depressed, with suicidal thoughts (I had suicide attempt in 2006), and I tremor and have balance issues that make me fall or grab on to something all through the day. Help?