Diet Plan for weight reduction:
1) In the morning try to wake up as soon as possible, drink 1-2 litres of water, with empty stomach. Water not only helps to cleanse our body, it burns fat.
After drinking water, finish toilet and start doing exercise.
It can be
Aerobics, Yoga(Surya Namskar 5-15 rounds) and Pranayama or go to gym.
2) After exercise, drink vegetable juice like bottle guard, cucumber, tomato, carrots, beet root , ridge guard, or mixed .In this way we can provide to our body all the
vitamins and minerals. So you will feel energetic.
While preparing juice mix with honey or dates, instead of sugar.
3) In breakfast, you can have Fruits or sprouts.
4) In between breakfast and lunch or one hour before lunch drink water again slowly up to one liter.
5) For lunch have whole meal bread or pulkas (anything made by wheat flour is fine) Eat more green leafy vegetables and fruits and vegetable salads.(try to reduce Bread or pulkas and increase the vegetable and salads )
6) Once after lunch take 2 hours break. After 2 hours have fruits or any vegetable salads or Lemon Honey water(with lukewarm water), (if you feel hungry. Again take one hour gap and drink water again.)
7) Have dinner early, at least 2 hours before to go to bed is preferable. And walk at least 50- 100 step
Before going to bed, you have to make sure that all the calories of food has been consumed,
Note: Avoid Oily foods, sugar, rice, potatoes, Bakery products,
cold drinks, Soda and ice creams.
Fasting once a week with water or Juice. For Relaxing and energizing the digestive system.
And Please Check your Daily body assessment for better results.