Yoga Questions & Answers

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218 1 Thu, 4 Dec 2014
i am 36 yrs old working mother in govt sector class 1 with 5 yrs hyper active son having no support but troublesome spouse causing hypertension it was 180/120 in dec2010, yesterday i got it checked its 140/100. i m having too much work mental physical can i use dynapar as pain relief rather going...
183 1 Wed, 3 Dec 2014
hi doctor, i m balaji. i have done operation on my left eye before 9 years. after doing my operation my eye went small and cloudy white color.there is no power in my left eye. as of now i m wearing black color contact len. Is there any execises or yoga to grow my left of normal size. please can...
122 1 Wed, 5 Nov 2014
Hello sir, I am suffering with sphenoid sinusitis. I am being administered with the following drugs- odimont-lc(Montelucast and levocerizine) and a nasal spray-cinase(CICLESONIDE NASAL SPRAY). The doctor told me to follow the drugs for about 2 years. I would like to ask you that is it necessary...
113 1 Wed, 5 Nov 2014
I am 70 years old and practice Bikram yoga, during practice yesterday the instructor had the room tempture set too high and I believe I had heat exhaustion. My blod pressure is still low, my stomach and thought hurts and I feel very weak. I am in bed. Should I be concerned, I have high blood...
103 1 Wed, 5 Nov 2014
I am jayasimha k r I am diagonised with few periventricular and subcorttical non-enhancing T2/FLAIR hyperintense focal lesions in the bilateral cerebral hemispheres, may suggest small vessel ischemic changes, as per MRI scan and i am under consultation & treatment with DR T G Suresh, Neurologist....
212 1 Wed, 10 Sep 2014
Morning Doctor My father had undergone heart surgery past 4yrs from now and my mom had a mild attack recently that 4 months from now. I ve heard about you and the practice methods to unblock arteries. 1) Can u advise any remedies for my parents for a better life ? 2) Is there a yoga center where...
215 1 Fri, 5 Sep 2014
I got my angioplasty done in end Nov 2010 due to strong burning in my chest. I have one stent now and am feeling fine. my other two arteries are also blocked one 70 and other abt 50 but I do not have any problem. I want to know if I can do kapalbhati now or I need to wait for some more time.
184 1 Tue, 26 Aug 2014
Can you provide a clinical correlation on how yogic breathing exercises like Pranayama minimize or reverse atherosclerosis and deposits in coronary arteries ? While it is true these lower LDL levels, can these yogic exerises actually reverse deposits?
107 1 Thu, 10 Jul 2014
Hi, Im 30 yrs old and had a discechtomy 4 yrs ago, I went to India and received Ayurvedic treatment as well as yoga for 2 years, and then became more active again, riding my bike to work for a year and thought my problems were over as the feeling and strength in my right leg was almost back,...
131 1 Fri, 27 Jun 2014
I m a 27 year old female. I was in yoga on Wednesday night and was flowing- I predicted what the instructor would say instead of actually listening and began floating backward- midway through, I heard her say step and landed awkwardly on the second toe of my right foot and it hurt. It felt like I...
168 1 Wed, 25 Jun 2014
Hi Dr. ,m,.el, I am a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher from Auckland, New Zealand. I have a student with Hydrocephalus and would like to know if inversions such as supported Shoulder Stand or Viparita Karani would be advised to such a student. Many thanks Marml,/te Yoga Essence Centre
166 1 Thu, 29 May 2014
hell doctor. i am rita and i have thyroid to four year. my age is 25. and actually i have nothing problem but my height is 4feet 10 eanch and my father and mother s height is above than normal. so tell me can possible me to increase height and permanant treatment of thyroid by yoga and mame of...
219 1 Mon, 7 Apr 2014
Can deep meditation lower your heart rate as a few times after my practice I get a little flutter ( or is this my heart rate increasing again on activity!...about an hour after....I m very fit and healthy, no shortness of breath and exercise every day? ....
108 1 Thu, 20 Mar 2014
sir/ mam from one year there is begining of hair growth on my belly, toes, foot, n breast... and some imbalance in perioda also... periods are coming 7 days before..!! my age is 21. so tell me how this problem can be cured.....? can this be cured by yoga? please help me.... m very tensed for...
604 1 Tue, 18 Mar 2014
hello, i am a 24 yr old female, unmarried. i was diagnosed with a chocolate cyst in right ovary measuring 68mm and polycystic left ovary in january 2013. i had a laparoscopic surgery done on 29th july 2013. doctor gave me Lupride depot11.25 injection on 3.9.13 and on 3.12.13 thereby stopping my...
126 1 Mon, 27 Jan 2014
I have had vertigo for about 10 days now it started while i was doing yoga.Initially it was just when i turned my head but now it is constant. i have had a CT scan and a MRI they came back normal. On my CT scan they saw a growth on my thyroid we are addressing that as soon as we can but are...
508 1 Fri, 6 Dec 2013
I ve been diagnosed with borderline personality , i want to raise a healthy daughter, i have been reading up on the description of this personality type since my therapist of seven or so years gave me the name of the dbt class, and it s for this type of person, he never labeled me, i just figured...
533 1 Wed, 6 Nov 2013
hi I am Promila working lady of 38 years . I do regular yoga and cardiovascular exercise and weigh 60 kg and height 5.5 . I have gluten sensitivity and recently got typhoid fever . I took rest for 8 days and resumed my office .I did antibiotic course for 5 days . was 8 days rest was sufficient ....
236 1 Thu, 24 Oct 2013
I m 23 yr old unmarried boy, had night fall since 5-6 years. My weight is 50 kg. My height is 164 cm. My night fall duration is 1 week. After one week it will occur again. I m too thin. Please tell me how it will cured, what is best duration time for good night fall as it is natural, and tell me...
159 1 Tue, 10 Sep 2013
My symptoms started with what seemed Like basic tendinitis in my elbow but now seemed to have spread to muscle and joint aches in forearms upper right arms, wrists and lower back with general aching over these areas. I have tried ibuprofen ice and stretching with no improvement. I am 56 year old...
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